Protect your home and property with Moatkeeper

"The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It's to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself."

Paul Graham
contractor and customer viewing blueprints
person pointing at house blueprints

Our Core Values

At Moatkeeper we are committed to providing exceptional service to their clients and fostering a welcoming workplace where everyone feels valued.

Lifelong Learning

We strive to continue to grow, learn, and evolve. We will always look to incorporate learnings to make Moatkeeper better.


Putting our customers' interests first and doing the right thing even when nobody is looking.


Working efficiently on the right things at the right time leads to successful outcomes and innovative solutions.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Fostering an environment where everyone can thrive with community support.


Helping others is a priority. We seek to go far together and not go fast alone.


Pursuing the highest quality in our products, our interactions, and our performance.

Protect your home and your family

Start today with Moatkeeper!
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blue house